President – Nora Arias, Leads the PAT for the school at meetings and assists in organizing events.
1st Vice President – Adirem Ramos, Assist with budget and volunteers
2nd Vice President – Barbie Ortega, Assists the President with organizing events.
Recording Secretary – Melissa Gonzalez, Takes minutes at monthly PAT general and board meetings.
Assistant Secretary – Sahily Gonzalez, Assist the secretary with any monthly PAT general and board meetings.
Treasurer – Joan Uscategui, Writes checks and works with the school budget.
Assistant Treasurer –Katiana Tibeiro, assists the Treasure by Writing checks and working with the school budget.
Parliamentarian – Sharlene Weston, Manages nominating committee for annual PAT board elections.
Fundraiser Service Coordinator – Cindy Moats, Coordinates service and fundraiser related activities.