Arrival / Dismissal Procedures


Kendale Lakes has a “closed campus” policy. The following information and procedures will be followed by all parents/guardians and students. Students are expected to arrive between 7:45 and 8:25 daily. PK-2nd grade students report to the cafeteria. Upon arrival, students in grades K5 should report to the cafeteria if eating breakfast. If not eating breakfast, students should proceed to the Annex or Tiger hallway and line up with their classmates as indicated by class location in those buildings. Students should remain in their designated area until the teacher arrives and opens the door to the classroom. No students or parents can go directly to the classrooms and wait for the teacher. Any student arriving after 8:20 am (Pre-K – 1st) and 8:35 am (2nd-5th) must be walked into the office by a parent for a tardy pass.


The following is our dismissal procedure:

  • Students in the Main Building and Annex Building dismiss towards the front of the school except for Pre-K which dismisses in the back-bus loading area.
  • Students in the Tiger building dismiss towards the back of the school by the bus loading area along Kendale Lakes Boulevard. If you have more than one child, please notify their teachers in writing and they will be dismissed at the area of youngest sibling.
  • Students CANNOT remain after their regular hours of dismissal unless they are enrolled in the After-School Care program. Students enrolled in the After-School Care Program will be supervised (THE AFTER-CARE PROGRAM IS A FEE BASED PROGRAM) until 6:00 p.m. every day school is in session.
  • We do not have staff to care for students who are not enrolled in the After- School Care Program, or to provide for their safety.
  • Please refer to the After-School Care Handbook for more detailed information.
  • Parents must see to it that students leave the campus immediately at the end of their school day. No students may wait outside the building or remain on the campus waiting for rides or older siblings. Please remember these regulations help make our school a safe place.

IMPORTANT! No student will be allowed to wait in the office as a means of supervision after dismissal. Parents please do not direct your child to the office to wait for you. Our clerical staff do not supervise children.