Before & After School Care Information

Parental Portal – How to Create an Account and add student


PROGRAM: The before/after school care program at Kendale Lakes Elementary offers a variety of academic enhancements and enrichment activities, including homework assistance, indoor and outdoor games, music, and arts and crafts have been planned for your child’s time in our program.

Specialized programs will be offered and as they are scheduled, families will be notified for registration.

Examples: Music, Sports, Bricks for Kids, Dance, etc.

PROGRAM HOURS: Below are the hours of operation for before/after school programs.

  • Before School Care
    7:00 – 8:00 AM
  • Story Hour
    2:05 – 3:05 PM
  • After School Care
    2:05 – 6:00 PM

STAFF: Program managers supervise group activities leaders that have been screened by Miami-Dade County Public Schools to work directly with your children in small groups. All activity leaders are required to receive a minimum of 45 hours of certified training.

SNACKS: Each day a snack will be provided for your child. Please notify staff of any food allergies upon registration. If your child is unable to eat the snacks provided by the before/after school program, please contact our office at (305)385-2575. In this case, you will be responsible for providing a nutritious snack that suits the needs of your child.

REGISTRATION: All sections of the registration form must be completed online through the FOCUS app on the parent portal. The parent pin number required to register on the portal may be obtained in the office. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION and the EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT CHECK OFF IS MANDATORY. It is extremely important that you notify the program manager if there are any changes in the emergency contact and/or authorized pick-up.

INSURANCE: Upon registering your child, it is mandatory to obtain the student accident insurance issued through the district. No child may attend the before/after school program without insurance. This is supplemental insurance and DOES NOT take the place of family or individual medical insurance coverage. It is your responsibility to become familiar with any insurance limitations and other information provided in the brochure. Please upload the receipt insurance on FOCUS.

PAYMENTS: Fee must be paid in online based on the payment schedules through FOCUS. There is no partial payment for partial use of services. NO CHILD WILL BE ALLOWED TO BEGIN A SERVICE PERIOD FOR WHICH PSAYMENT HAS NOT BEEN MADE.

Before/ After School care program Payment plan

LATE PICK UP FEE: A late pick up fee of $10 per 15 minutes will be charged per student not picked up on time. Consistent late pick up may result in the child being withdrawn from the program.

LATE PAYMENT FEE: A late payment fee of $10 will be charged for each program for which payment not received prior to the first day of service.

SUBSIDIZED CHILS CARE: Parents receiving subsidized childcare through Miami-Dade County Child Development Services (CDS) must adhere to the guidelines as outlined in the Parents Rights and Responsibilities for Service Form and are responsible for fees in excess of the voucher amount. CDS can be reach at 305-514-6000.

BEFORE SCHOOL ARRIVAL PROCEDURES: Each child must be signed in daily with the school building by an authorized person listed on the child’s registration form.

REALEASE OF CHILDREN: Children may be picked up any time prior to 6:00 p.m., but they must be picked up NO LATER than 6:00 p.m. If an emergency arises, you are expected to make arrangements so that your child will be picked up before 6:00 p.m. and to also notify the program manager accordingly. Parents who are unable to pick up their child on time, on a regular basis, may lose the services of the program.


PICK-UP: Each child must be signed out the office by an AUTHORIZED PERSON listed on the child’s registration form. The authorized person may be asked to present photo identification.

AUTHORIZED PERSONS: ONLY those persons listed on your child’s registration form are considered authorized. Family members, if not listed, are not considered authorized to pick up your child. Verification by the program manager will be made before any child is released to a person not listed on the registration form.

WALK HOME: A written notification must be kept on file or sent the same day that your child is to walk home. The time of departure must be specified in the written notification. The administrator or program manager must approve the child’s departure.

CHANGES IN DISMISSAL PROCEDURE: If there are any changes in the dismissal procedures for your child, daily or continuous, please notify the after-school office in person or writing immediately. This will help to ensure the safety of your child.

ILLNESS/ACCIDENTS: Should your child become ill or injured during the program, you will ne notified immediately and you must make arrangements to pick up your child at that time.

BEHAVIOUR/DISCIPLINE POLICY: Your child will be under the supervision of qualified personnel familiar with his/her school. The same Student Code of Conduct as the regular school program will be followed, and will be explained to your child rough conduct, disrespect to leaders, destruction of property or equipment, vandalism, use of profanity, or any other undesirable act will result in disciplinary action and, if necessary, removal from the program. You will be contacted about serious and/or repeated misbehavior. If your child continually misbehaves, he/she may be withdrawn from the program.